Welcome To 8digitcoin
Are you having trouble earning cryptocurrencies?
This is the spot where you can earn a lot of different crypto coins regularly. No Signup & No Investment. Why are you wasting your time looking for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin on the internet? We're just developed a new website where you may earn cryptocurrencies in a variety of ways. We're attempting to verify the earning sites and provide you with a list of legitimate, 100% paying sites. We have a huge number of faucet earning sites in our database, and we will continue to add new ones every day. Please keep in touch and enjoy your earnings. Please signup to join our forum discussion about crypto currency & earnings.
How to earn free bitcoin & other crypto currencies?
Our aim is giving verified sites for you
There are countless services on the Internet where you can earn free Bitcoins by doing various tasks such as watching advertisements, playing games, and so on. However, you will only receive a small amount of the Bitcoin. Free Bitcoins can be useful if the price of Bitcoin keeps rising over time, allowing you to profit handsomely from it. Furthermore, the amount of Bitcoin you will receive is always random and changes on a regular basis. Here we are help you few simple and legitimate ways to obtain free Bitcoins.
Legitimate ways to earn free Bitcoins
Recommended Ways
Faucet List
We are working for you to list the legit and paying faucets. We keep updating the new faucets frequently for various coins. Plz note this, we are not responsible for any changes in the faucets. Its upto faucet's owner preferences.
Daily Claims
We've compiled a list of websites that will transfer funds into your digital wallet right away or within a day. Register once and Claim regularly.
High Paying Faucets
High paying faucets mostly defined the minimum threshold for withdrawal, it will varies depends on every website. If we often get into it then easily accomplish the withdrawal thershold. Legit way to earn passive crypto coins.
PTC Sites
We're working on compiling a list of PTC sites that pay their users accurately. Keep visiting here to see the PTC website list on a regular basis, as we are constantly adding new sites to the list.
Crypto Games
In crypto games, the players own the items acquired in the game and can sell them for cryptocurrency, which can then be exchanged in actual money via exchanges. Check the legit gaming websites lists.
Crypto Exchanges
Exchanges that facilitate the trade of cryptocurrencies for other assets, such as digital and fiat currencies, are known as cryptocurrency exchanges. Its, in effect, act as a middleman between buyers and sellers, earning money through commissions and transaction fees. Check the exchange list here.